Use of Simple Present Tense : My Lovely File Holder

Sample 4


My Lovely File Holder

I have a file holder that so important to me. It is one of my various kinds of belongings. I have had it since I was in a high school at 3rd grade. It is very useful for me to put so many important files.

From the first time I saw my file holder, in fact, I didn’t like it much. It colored nothing but transparent. I use it to keep my high school printed tasks and my drawing papers as I used to have so many drawing tasks from my art teacher. As I hate the color of my file holder, I try to make it more exciting to me.

this text contains of three parts: My Lovely Bags

Sample 3


My Lovely Bags 

            My bags are my most favourite belongings. I keep my favourites in there, such as mobile phones, wallet, and books. Sometimes, I keep my jacket, my shoes, and my sandals in there too. My bags are simple but they are really useful.

            I have many bags in various colors. I have no favourite colors, so I always buy all various of colors. I have light and dark color bags, from white to black. I have pink bags, red bags, yellow bags, brown bags, and black bags. I love all of them.

Pemicuan Waktu Riil Spektrum Analiser

 Pengantar dan Sejarah Perkembangan Spektrum Analiser 
 Jenis-jenis Penganalisa Spektrum
  Penganalisa Spektrum tersapu
  Penganalisa Vektor Sinyal dengan Analisis Modulasi Digital 
 Kunci Konsep Analisis Spektrum Waktu Riil 
 Prinsip Kerja Spektrum Analisa Waktu Riil
 Penganalisa Spektrum Waktu Riil 

 Pemicuan Waktu Riil Spektrum Analiser

 Penganalisa spektrum waktu riil menambah kuat spektrum ranah waktu dan analisis modulasi. Pemicuan kritis untuk pengambilan informasi ranah waktu. RSA menawarkan fungsi pemicuan unik, memberikan daya dan picu topeng frekuensi sebaik picu ekstenal pada umumnya dan didasarkan pada tingkatan picu. Pada umumnya sistem picu digunakan dalam osiloskop kebanyakan. Dalam osiloskop analog tradisional, sinyal yang diamati diumpankan ke salah satu masukan sementara picu diumpankan pada yang lain. Picu menyebabkan dimulaianya sapuan horizontal sementara amplitudo dari sinyal ditunjukkan sebagai penganti vertikal yang dilapiskan pada gratikul yang telah dikalibrasi. Bentuk paling sederhana, picu analog memungkinkan terjadi setelah picu untuk diamati, seperti ditunjukkan pada gambar Pemicuan waktu rill.

Gambar Pemicuan waktu rill

Generic Structure: My Favorite Laptop : Introduction : Body

Sample 2

My Favorite Laptop

            I am always use this thing. I can bring this thing everywhere. I always bring this thing when I go to campus. Usually, I bring this thing to preservation in my class. This is my favorite thing that I have it. The thing is laptop.

            My lovely laptop never far away from me. This thing always I bring. Laptop is usefull thing that I have. It can help me to do my assignment. Especially assignment from my class. Sometimes, I write it in Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Excel. And than, I can show my work in front of the class with the program. Beside that, my laptop can bring many information that I need. Usually, I use Internet to my laptop. In internet, there are many knowledge and information. So, I can add the information to my assignment. Especially I use google to search it. In there I can find many information. I just write what I want and click search. So many choice I can put it to my assignment. Beside that, I can chatting with someone and make a new friends. The important way is I can improve my language when I meet aboard people I can know about they culture and I can find many vocab to improve my language. After that, I can play games in my laptop. Sometimes, I play the sims in my laptop. The game is about peoplewho work and their life.

Penganalisa Spektrum tersapu Analisa Ranah Frekuensi Tradisional


Jenis-jenis Penganalisa Spektrum

Penganalisa Spektrum tersapu Analisa Ranah Frekuensi Tradisional

Pengaturan sapuan, penganalisa spektrum superheterodin merupakan arsitektur tradisional yang pertama kali memungkinkan seorang insinyur membuat pengukuran ranah frekuensi beberapa dekade yang lalu.

Aslinya dibangun dengan komponen analog murni, sapuan SA telah dikaitkan dengan aplikasi layanan. Generasi SA sapuan meliputi unsur-unsur digital seperti ADCS, DSPS, dan mikro prosesor. Sapuan SA sebanding pengukuran frekuensi dengan pengubah sinyal turun dari sapuan melalui filter bandwidth resolusi bandpass (RBW). Filter RBW diikuti dengan detektor yang menghitung amplitudo setiap titik frekuensi dalam cakupan yang dipilih.


 Allen, Edward (1999). Fundamental of Building Construction: Materials and Methods. John Willey and Sons Inc.
Amon, Rene; Knobloch, Bruce; Mazumder, Atanu (1996). Perencanaan Konstruksi Baja untuk Insinyur dan Arsitek, jilid 1 dan 2. Jakarta. Pradya Paramita
Anonim (2005). Standard Handbook for Civil Engineering. McGraw-Hill Companies.
Anonim (1979). Peraturan Kontruksi Kayu Indonesia NI-5 I 1961. Bandung. Yayasan LPMB Dep. PUTL
Anonim (1983). Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia untuk Gedung. Bandung. Yayasan LPBM
Anonim. Undang-undang no. 18 tahun 1999, tentang Jasa Konstruksi.
Anonim (2002). SNI 03-1729-2002. Tata cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja untuk Bangunan Gedung.
Anonim (2002). SNI 03-2847-2002. Tata cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung
Anonim. Undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2002, tentang Bangunan Gedung.

Word choice of sensory words and figurative language : My Handphone

Sample 9

My Handphone

I have favorite thing, I am always bring this thing everywhere and every time. Of course, I am always use this thing. The thing is small and easy to bring it. The thing is very useful to me to get some information and I can use this thing in danger situation too.

            The thing is my handphone. My handphone is Blackberry 8900. I am just bought it a month ago, The phone is sophisticated Because this phone is multifunction, But the special function from this is the internet. We can browsing, download, or get the I capture the moment.

            The other interesting from BlackBerry is the camera. The camera is 3.2 Mega pixels and auto focus. I can make on auto focus when 1 capture the moment.

The Generic Structure : My Belonging that I Like the Most

Sample 8

My Belonging that I Like the Most 

                        Everyone has many belongings and so do I. I have some favorite things & some ordinary things. Now I want to tell about my favorite belonging that I like the most. That belonging is my wallet. I have already had it for almost 2 years. I always bring it everywhere I go. It’s very important to me, I can’t go with it. I also usually put my precious things there. So, I can’t let everyone to look at my wallet.

                        When you look at my wallet, you can find lots of things in there. It’s caused, I don’t only put money, but also some things that I regard as precious and important. For example : my photos, they are very precious for me. Beside that, you can also look some cards that important to me. They are my identity card, my university student card, etc there.

Ilmu Kimia, Materi dan Wujudnya

Ruang Lingkup Ilmu Kimia

1. Ilmu Kimia

Dalam mempelajari Ilmu Pengetahuan, kita selalu mengamati pada lingkungan sekitar, dan yang menjadi fokus perhatian kita adalah lingkungan sekitar. Alam semesta merupakan salah satu daerah pengamatan bagi para peneliti ilmu pengetahuan alam. Sedangkan interaksi sesama manusia dipelajari para ahli ilmu sosial.

Salah satu bagian dari ilmu pengetahuan alam adalah ilmu kimia, daerah yang dipelajari ahli kimia adalah materi terkait dengan struktur, susunan, sifat dan perubahan materi serta energi yang menyertainya.

2. Materi dan Wujudnya

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 Foto Acara Hijrah menuju Syariah Kaffah


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