Greeting ungkapan salam

Dari catatan buku tulis pelajaran bahasa Inggris punya Azka Nisrina SMP kelas 7 Surabaya.

Dialog 1
Miss Diana good morning class
Student good morning mom.
Miss Diana how are you
Student were fine thank you and you
Mr Diana very well thanks.

Dialog 2
Miss Diana time is up and the class is over
Student alright mom
Mis Diana i'll see you next Monday
Student student see you.

Dialog 3
Erlin hello ganis h
Ganis hello Erlin
Erlin how are you today
Ganis ayam fine thank you how about you.
Erlin i am fine too thank you

Greeting wanna one take living

Dialog 4

Ganis sorry i think i have to go home now
Erlin alright i'll see you tomorrow
Ganis see you

Dialog 5
Erlin i am going to school mam
Mrs Enik and i take you dear
Erlin sure by mom
Miss Eni by dear

Dialog 6
Dayu dan beni
Where are you go Edo
I am going to the library. I want to borrow some books.
Dayu beni
Oke see you later
See you guys.

Dialog 7
Siti goodbye mom. see you on Sunday
Mrs Anita
Goodbye Siti take care. See you on Sunday too

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